Monday, March 31, 2008

Activity c

While working on activity c it became clear that dew point is a big part of the water cycle. Dew point is the amount of water vapor in the air, and at times this dew condenses into clouds that then produce precipitation after becoming dense enough. Areas with the most atmospheric moisture include places like Mexico and its warm waters (the Gulf of Mexico has a high surface temperature). When rising air begins to cool it can become saturated. very humid air requires little cooling to become saturated which increases the chance of precipitation. It is evident that greenhouse gas emissions can alter the way dew point effects weather patturnes and average temperatures. At a certain level i belive this can have an effect on a global scale.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Activity 1

At the start of the activity i thought the snow and water would heat faster than the soil. However to my suprise the soil had the most temperature changes, which leads me to belive that land has the tendancy to heat faster than water. Land absorbes and reflects the sun's energy just like water, however i think the amount of greenhouse gases emited every day is causing this energy to be trapped in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emitions are the leading cause of this phoniminon which will one day resault in a climate shift, similar to the one that happened over 10,000 years ago. In our expiriment the artificial light reprisented the sun's rays. When the greenhouse effect takes place you need to multiply this energy.